吴磊 Wu Lei 赵今麦 Zhao Jinmai 王星越 Wang Xingyue 丁笑滢 Ding Xiaoying 陈靖可 Chen Jingke
昔日天才级职业斯诺克选手林亦扬(吴磊 饰)与当红九球选手殷果(赵今麦 饰)相遇在一场十年难得一遇的暴雪之夜。在殷果表弟的助攻之下,两人慢慢熟识。殷果也了解到林亦扬的往事。原来林亦扬曾经也是轰动一时的斯诺克天才,在一次比赛中因对裁判判罚有异议,争取时无意冲撞裁判而被禁赛,少年气盛的他不服判决,竟直接宣布退役,从此离开了自己引以为傲的斯诺克事业。殷果的出现,让林亦扬的人生轨迹再次转变,林亦扬不仅开始努力地追求殷果,还在殷果的带动下重拾最初的梦想,返回斯诺克赛场。最终二人共攀事业高峰,一同为职业台球事业贡献力量,并携手教练与队友,共推全民健身台球项目发展。
As a professional billiards player, Yin Guo has become quite a notable athlete. After receiving an invitation to play in a tournament in Hel, Yin Guo eagerly accepts. Little does she know that what will follow will change her life forever. Before Yin Guo can even start training for the upcoming competition, an unexpected snowstorm leaves her stranded with Lin Yi Yang, and an instant connection is made. Helped along by her cousin, Yin Guo and Yi Yang continue to get to know each other better long after the storm subsides. But even as they draw closer, Yin Guo has no idea that Yi Yang has quite a bit of history in the world of professional billiards. A true genius in the sport, Yi Yang once basked in the spotlight of professional billiards fame, but that was a long time ago. Inspired by Yin Guo’s love of the sport, Yi Yang decides the time is right to return to the world of professional billiards.
Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 5
Region Code : All / Worldwide
- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.
Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.