
Code Geass R1 + R2 + Dakkan no Roze Vol.1-62 End + Akito The Exiled Vol.1-5 End + 4 Movie Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Cantonese Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Code Geass R1 + R2 + Dakkan no Roze Vol.1-62 End + Akito The Exiled Vol.1-5 End + 4 Movie Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Cantonese Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay


In the year 2010, the Holy Empire of Britannia is establishing itself as a dominant military nation, starting with the conquest of Japan. Renamed to Area 11 after its swift defeat, Japan has seen significant resistance against these tyrants in an attempt to regain independence. Lelouch Lamperouge, a Britannian student, unfortunately finds himself caught in a crossfire between the Britannian and the Area 11 rebel armed forces. He is able to escape, however, thanks to the timely appearance of a mysterious girl named C.C., who bestows upon him Geass, the "Power of Kings." Realizing the vast potential of his newfound "power of absolute obedience,"

Tahun 2010, tujuh tahun setelah perang, Jepun telah dikuasai oleh Britannia. Britannia telah menginvasi hampir seluruh dunia dengan menggunakan teknologi yang bernama Knightmare Frame. Akhirnya, para warga Jepun kehilangan hak, harga diri, kebebasan, bahkan nama mereka. Semua warga Jepun tidak boleh memakai nama Jepun. Oleh kerana Britannia, orang Jepun disebut sebagai Eleven, dan Jepun dinamakan Area 11. Lelouch Lamperouge adalah Pangeran Britannia yang dibuang oleh ayahnya, Charles zi Britannia setelah kematian ibunya, Marianne vi Britannia.

皇曆2010年,超級大國·神聖不列顛尼亞帝國為了奪取日本的地下資源而侵略日本。在歐洲帝國強大的擬人兵器 Knightmare進攻下,日本在不到一個月的時間內被征服,被剝奪了自由、權利甚至是國家的名字,神聖不列颠帝國 將“日本”改稱為“11區”,“日本人”這名詞則被11這數字所取代。表面上看來帝國的貴賤階級統治似乎牢不可破,但其 中早已出現了裂痕。七年後的2017年,在生死邊緣獲得“Geass”的力量,立志要粉碎神聖不列顛帝國的黑色皇子魯魯 修,以及獲得第七代人型機甲蘭斯洛特,立志從帝國內部進行改革的白色騎士福木朱雀,影響了整個世界。

Language : Jap/Can/Eng (R1+R2), Jap/Eng (Akiko The Exiled+Dakkan No Roze), Jap (Movie 1-3), Jap/Eng (Movie Fukkatsu)
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay,  English / Chinese (Dakkan No Roze)
No of Disc: 5
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
