
Godzilla Minus One + Shin Godzilla Live Action The Movie 哥吉拉-1.0 + 新·哥吉拉 真人剧场版 Japanese Movie DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Godzilla Minus One + Shin Godzilla Live Action The Movie 哥吉拉-1.0 + 新·哥吉拉 真人剧场版 Japanese Movie DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay

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Godzilla Minus One

In 1945, near the end of World War II, kamikaze pilot Kōichi Shikishima lands his Mitsubishi A6M Zero at the Japanese base on Odo Island. Lead mechanic Sōsaku Tachibana deduces that Shikishima had fled from his duty by feigning technical issues. That night, Godzilla, a large dinosaur-like creature, attacks the garrison. Shikishima attempts to shoot the monster from his plane but freezes up and is knocked unconscious. Tachibana, the only other survivor of the attack, blames Shikishima for failing to act.

1945年,第二次世界大战末期,神风特攻队飞行员敷岛浩一驾驶三菱A6M零式舰上战斗 机降落在大户岛上的日军基地,而日军的首席机械师橘宗作推断敷岛是透过佯装技术 问题逃离战场。当天晚上,一只外形像恐龙的大型生物哥斯拉袭击基地,敷岛因过度 惊慌而愣住,无法从飞机上射击哥斯拉并被其击昏。而橘是这次袭击中唯一幸存的机 械师,强烈指责敷岛没有采取行动。

Shin Godzilla Live Action The Movie

The third reboot of the "Godzilla" franchise, which will not be connected to the original film. When a giant monster known as Godzilla emerges in modern Japan, chaos and catastrophe befall the people of the country.

平静的东京湾突然发生海难,当人们还在猜想是否海底火山爆发时,一只巨大的怪兽冒出 水面并登陆城区。日本政府主导成立了“巨大不明生物灾害部”,网罗了国家中的奇人异 士加盟,研究发现怪兽是受到放射性污染而诞生出来的,命名为哥斯拉;尝试了各种办法 均宣告失败的“灾害部”最后不得不决定对哥斯拉采取武装攻击。但是这个巨大的怪兽哥 斯拉完成了更恐怖的进化,整个东京将要沦为一片人间地狱,一场人类与怪兽的最终决战 即将到来……………………

Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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