
Masked Rider Kabuto Vol.1-49End + Movie God Speed Love Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD Cantonese Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Masked Rider Kabuto Vol.1-49End + Movie God Speed Love Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD Cantonese Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay

Product Details

Seven years ago, a meteorite struck at the heart of Shibuya, and emerged an alien life-form that threatens humanity, the Worms. Since that day, Soji Tendo has trained for all his life to one day take up the Kabuto Zecter and become the hero known as Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while also meeting other Riders with mysterious origins, Tendou attempts to accomplish his goal at all costs: to destroy the Worms. He meets ZECT operative Arata Kagami and the two work together to save humanity while uncovering the conspiracies that lie within ZECT.

1999年10月19日,巨大陨石突然向地球飞来,落下并直接击中日本涉谷,周围地区因此毁灭,伤亡惨重,称为“涉谷陨石事件”。7年后,涉谷仍未复兴,并持续封锁,灾难并未就此结束,因为一切才刚开始。陨石落下后,不明宇宙生物拟态成人类活动于城市中,不断吞噬人类并繁殖,造成极人的恐慌。为了解灭这些被称为异虫的生物,人类组建了一个秘密组织ZECT,一直与其战斗。最后的希望只能下未及完成的武装系统假面骑士系统(Masked Rider System)。如果有能够支配该系统,并运用自如的战士出现,那么ZECT就能得知到足够的力量和异虫对抗。某天,某ZECT战斗实习队员贺集辉,遇见了一个自称‘行天之道,总司掌控’(天之道を行き、総てを司る)的奇怪男子。异虫再度出没,ZECT队员们被逼入绝境。

Language : Japanese (TV), Japanese / Cantonese (Movie)
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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