After traveling the world, battling monsters, and protecting the innocent, aspiring adventurer Noor faced a bitter truth: he possessed zero talent for adventuring. Nevertheless, young Noor pressed on with unyielding determination. He devoted a decade to refining the weakest skill, [Parry], mastering it to the point of deflecting a thousand swords. And yet he realized that his efforts were futile-he could never become an adventurer with only low-level skills, resigning himself to doing odd jobs in town. Little did he know, he was already among the world's strongest. One fateful day, Noor's destiny takes an unforeseen twist when he inadvertently rescues Princess Lynne from a monster attack. -This is the story of how an invincible yet humble man, oblivious to his own strength, masters the weakest skill [Parry] and uses it to defeat powerful foes.
少年諾爾嚮往成為周遊世界各地、與怪物戰鬥、守護人們的冒險者。然而等待著他的,卻是「在各方 面都沒有任何才能」的殘酷評價。既然沒有才能,那只要比誰都還努力就行了!他持續鍛鍊他所會的 最低階技能————————將攻擊彈開的【招架】長達十幾年的時間,終於達到了足以彈開一千把劍的境界。但 是,不論有多登峰造極,光靠最低階技能也還是無法成為冒險者,諾爾雖然在不知不覺中獲得了世界 最強等級的力量,本人卻毫無自覺,每天都過著在街道上幫忙人們做 雜事的生活。某天,諾爾偶然幫助了遭到魔物襲擊的公主,琳,並 使得他的命運齒輪開始朝著意想不到的方向開始轉動…………………!
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 2
Region Code : All / Worldwide
- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.
Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.