
Rewriting Destiny 二十四味暖浮生 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese



Rewriting Destiny 二十四味暖浮生 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese


董思怡 Dong Siyi  李歌洋 Li Geyang  胡丹丹 Hu Dandan  徐炳超 Xu Bingchao  林柒予 Lin Qiyu

如果人生拥有一次重来的机会 "原来我没得选,这次我想做个好人。" 前一世,反派夏语冰被夫君许子颜毒死,作者给了她重生的机会,这次……一定不要被毒死啊! 在新漫画《二十四味暖浮生》中,夏语冰摆脱了英年早逝的命运,成为了女主,却必须靠做生意赚钱续命,前夫君许子颜却馋她身患奇症的身子,要用来做实验!夏语冰只能智斗"反派"许子颜,拳打恶毒女配,脚踢绊脚石 NPC,开启自己的打怪升级之路……

Xia Yu Bing is a minor and somewhat unpleasant and malevolent character in a universe – set in Ancient China – dreamed up by a comic book author. She dies early in the "story," after being poisoned by her husband Xu Zi Yan. But after she is killed, the author confronts her in a sort of comic book afterlife space and tells her that she will have the chance to be re-spawned. Furthermore, she learns, if she plays her cards right, she will be able to become the "female lead" and a "good" character in the story. She comes back to "life," but finds that becoming a "goodie" isn't an easy task. Xu Zi Yan is still determined to wipe her out and conduct ghastly experiments on her body. And on top of it all, a number of other "characters" in the story now have it in for her – including female characters who also want to be the main heroine. A number of other minor characters also block her way or plot her downfall. But as she spends more time with Xu Zi Yan – all the while trying to avoid his plans to destroy her – an unlikely bond begins to form between them. Will Cupid become her ally in Xia Yu Bing's bid to become the ultimate female lead?

Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
