
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 浪漫医生金师傅 1-3 Vol.1-52 End Korean TV Drama Series DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 浪漫医生金师傅 1-3 Vol.1-52 End Korean TV Drama Series DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay


安孝燮 Ahn Hyo-seop 韩石圭 Han Suk-kyu 李圣经 Lee Sung-kyung 徐玄振 Seo Hyun-jin 申东旭 Shin Dong-wook

Dulu Boo Yong-Joo ialah seorang pakar bedah terkenal dengan nama "Tangan Tuhan". Tiba-tiba dia hilang diri dan tiada orang ketahui sebabnya. Boo Yong-Joo kini dikenali sebagai Cikgu Kim dan gelar dirinya Doktor Romantik. Dia menikmati hidupnya yang terpencil. Kang Dong-Joo menjadi doktor untuk menawan hati seseorang, Yoon Seo-Jung menjadi doktor agar diakui oleh seseorang. Selepas mereka temui Cikgu Kim, mereka belajar tentang nilai hidup dan keselesaan daripada cinta.

Boo Yong-Joo was a famous surgeon with the nickname of "Hand of God." He suddenly disappeared and nobody knew exactly why. Boo Young-Joo is now as Teacher Kim and he calls himself the Romantic Doctor. He enjoys his life in seclusion. Kang Dong-Joo became a doctor to win somebody over and Yoon Seo-Jung becomes a doctor to be recognized by somebody. After they meet Teacher Kim, they learn about life values and comfort from love.

手術成功率97%、被譽為神之手的外科醫生夫勇周因其超凡的天賦和實力而名聲大振,并獲 得“金師傅”的稱號。曾經坐擁金錢與名譽的他,卻突然從醫學界消失,隱居在鄉下簡陋的 石垣醫院。在石垣醫院里,金師傅與各有原委到來的姜東柱和尹瑞靜相遇,并成為了他們的 導師。

Language : Korean
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay (Season 1&2), English / Chinese (Season 3)
No of Disc: 9
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
