孔雪儿 Kong Xueer 晏紫东 Yan Zidong 康可人 Kang Keren 邓为 Deng Wei 郑繁星 Zheng Fanxing 谢治勋 Xie Zhixun
司妍是一名小有名气的美妆博主,意外进入了国风美妆游戏VR系统,傲娇大小姐惨沦为底层梳妆小侍女,司妍凭借高超的美妆技巧,辅之身为网络博主热点营销、宣传推广等跳脱搞怪的现代技能过关斩将,虏获一众夫人小姐欢心,各个风格迥异的妆品妆面,为之妆点的不只是姣好面容,更是妆容背后现古今女子的悲欢故事与人生态度。 攻略过程中,本想专注任务无心开启爱情线的司妍意外邂逅了冷面腹黑亓官仪、忠犬事业粉人工智能管家杰克、天降官配“伪男主”亓官保、风流倜傥亓官修、冷面侍卫云离、直男铁憨憨亓官达等众多美男少主角色,从而发生了一系列高能甜宠的浪漫成长故事。
The beauty blogger Si Yan has mistakenly entered the VR system of an ancient Chinese-style beauty game. Much to her surprise, she is assigned the role of a low-level dressing maid. Don't they know who she is?! With her superb make-up skills, solid product knowledge and accomplished technique, Si Yan soon became a successful online influencer. Her engaging manner had easily won the favour of her female audience. Now fully entrenched in the past, she recognizes that behind these beautiful faces hides the same joyful or painful stories she had left behind in the modern world. And there Si Yan had stuck to her game plan, focusing only on her business strategies, making for a rather pathetic love life. She refused to compromise for any man. But this ancient world is offering her an embarrassment of riches in the variety of men she encounters. It's all so tempting! Will she open up her heart and give love its equal time?
Language : Chinese
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide
- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.
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