
Stephen Chow Hong Kong Movie Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎点秋香 Asia Release Bluray 100% New And Sealed English Chinese Subtitle



Stephen Chow Hong Kong Movie Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎点秋香 Asia Release Bluray 100% New And Sealed English Chinese Subtitle


周星驰 Stephen Chow 鞏俐 Gong Li 郑佩佩 Cheng Pei-pei 蓝洁瑛 Yammie Lam 黄晓明 Huang Xiaoming 温翠苹 Carol Wan

江南四大才子之一唐伯虎(周星馳飾)雖擁有八 位嬌妻,可惜同床異夢,内心孤寂不已。寧王( 林威飾)意圖造反,欲招攬唐伯虎,唐伯虎為了避 禍打算暫離家門。某天,四大才子出遊巧遇華太師 夫人(鄭佩佩飾)進廟上香,唐伯虎為侍女秋香(鞏俐飾) 所著迷,為見佳人不惜賣身至華府為奴,改名華安。華夫 人與唐家有深仇大恨,但秋香暗地裡卻十分仰慕唐伯虎的才 華。秋香原本看不起華安,甚至誤會華安是淫賊,直到華安出 面代秋香頂罪,秋香才對華安改觀,同時薦舉華安升為書僮。寧 王帶人至華府找碴,華安無論是詩詞書畫及武功都略勝一籌,令寧 王敗興而歸,華安雖解除了華府的危機卻也曝露了自己的真實身份。 奪命書生(劉家輝飾)再次大鬧華府,唐伯虎以家傳武功打敗奪命書生, 夫人也同意將秋香許配給唐伯虎……………………

Tong Park Foo (Stephen Chow) is the top-grade scholar in Suzhou. On a feast day, Tong and his friends go to visit the temple and there, Tong meets Chau Heung (Good Li) for the first time. Tong is shaken at Chau's beauty. He decides to go after her. But Chau's master Mrs. Wah is very angry with Tong's family, how can Tong make Chau Heung his bride?

Language : Cantonese / Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
