
Taxi Driver 模范出租车 Season 1+2 Vol.1-32 End Korean TV Drama Series DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Taxi Driver 模范出租车 Season 1+2 Vol.1-32 End Korean TV Drama Series DVD Subtitle English Chinese Malay


李帝勋 Lee Je-hoon 李絮 Esom 表艺珍 Pyo Ye-jin 崔显旭 Choi Hyun-Wook 辛载夏 Shin Jae-ha

Kim Do-Ki (Lee Je-Hoon) graduated from the Naval Academy and became an UDT (underwater demolition team) Official. His mother was murdered by a serial killer and his life changed afterwards. Kim Do-Ki is now a deluxe taxi driver and works for Rainbow Taxi Company. The company is not just an ordinary taxi company. The company offers a special "revenge-call" service. If clients ask them to take revenge, Kim Do-Ki and his co-workers will perform the service.

Kim Do-Ki tamat pengajiannya daripada Akademi Tentera Laut dan menjadi seorang Pegawai UDT. Ibunya dibunuh oleh seorang pembunuh siri dan hidupnya berubah selepas itu. Kini Kim Do-Ki seorang pemandu teksi kelas mewah dan bekerja untuk Syarikat Teksi Pelangi. Syarikat ini bukan syarikat teksi biasa. Syarikat ini menawarkan perkhidmatan “balas dendam” istimewa. Jika pelanggan minta mereka membalas dendam, Kim Do-Ki dan rakan sejawatnya akan melaksanakan perkhidmatan ini.

“Right is right only when entire”(正义只有在完美的时候才是正确的) -Victor Hugo(维克多雨果) 正义的定义是什么?真正正义的时代正在到来。当“非正常的正常化”的真正的正常成为“非正常化” ,而非正常摇身一变成为“正常”时,正义的定义变得耐人寻味。正义:为了社会或某些人本应该做的正确的事。因此,正义的时代正在到来,这意味着社会正在走向正确的道路。但是… 真的只是单纯的走在正确的路上吗?如果单纯地去相信那些奇怪的新闻报道会怎么样呢? 本应被判无罪的某个富豪学生… “给他人留下了一辈子的伤害” ,本应被判无期徒刑的几个月后复审重新找来点罚金和缓期执行过着一生的富裕生活,本应受到惩罚的事例,仅仅是法律的保护和无辜地带下被释放,或害者没过法律的名义原谅了还未原谅加害者的那些奇怪的新闻都是些什么呢?

Language : Korean
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 8
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
