Lonely thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is stuck in a dead-end job, unhappy with his mundane life, but after dying at the hands of a robber, he awakens to a fresh start in a fantasy realm...as a slime monster! As he acclimates to his goopy new existence, his exploits with the other monsters set off a chain of events that will change his new world forever!
一名普通的上班族「三上悟」為保護同伴被歹徒刺殺身亡,結束了歷經三十七年的人生。當他從沉 睡之中清醒過來,面臨到的是看不見、聽不到,而且身體圓滾滾的狀況,他意識到自己投胎轉世成 了「史萊姆」。透過能夠奪取對手招式和能力的「捕食者」,以及精通於森羅萬象的「大賢者」兩 項技能,逐步走上成為史上最強的史萊姆之路。
Berusia 37 tahun, Satoru Mikami dalam kesepian tersangkut dengan tugas tidak memberikan harapan cerah, kurang puas hati dengan kehidupannya terlalu biasa, namun setelah maut di dalam tangan perompak, beliau tersedar semula dalam permulaan alam fantasi yang baru...sebagai raksasa lendir! Apabila menyesuaikan diri kepada kewujudan baharu melekit, pengeksploitasian dirinya dengan raksasa lain mencetuskan rentetan peristiwa mengubah dunia yang baru selamanya!
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 9
Region Code : All / Worldwide
- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.
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