
The Legend of Heroes: Hot Blooded 金庸武侠世界 - 铁血丹心 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese



The Legend of Heroes: Hot Blooded 金庸武侠世界 - 铁血丹心 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese


此沙 Ci Sha 包上恩 Bao Shangen 王弘毅 Wang Hongyi 黄羿 Huang Yi 周一围 Zhou Yiwei 高伟光 Gao Weiguang

南宋末年,金兵入侵,朝廷奸臣当道。平民义士郭啸天、杨铁心两家指腹为婚,后为金兵所害。全真教道士丘处机与江南七怪定下赌约:分别寻找杨、郭后人并传授他们武功,于十八年后在醉仙楼比试高低。郭靖(此沙饰)、南宋末年,金兵入侵,朝廷奸臣当道。平民义士郭啸天、杨铁心两家指腹为婚,后为金兵所害。全真教道士丘处机与江南七怪定下赌约:分别寻找杨、郭后人并传授他们武功,于十八年后在醉仙楼比试高低。郭靖、杨康分别在江南七怪与丘处机的教养下长大成人。18 年后,郭靖奉师命南下,与“东邪”黄药师之女黄蓉一见如故,彼此倾心,但两人的情感却一波三折。“西毒”欧阳锋为侄儿欧阳克求娶黄蓉,郭靖历经三番比试最终获胜,奈何五位师父被害于桃花岛,引得二人误会分离。另一边,杨康贪恋富贵,认金人作父。一场无心的比武招亲,令他与杨铁心义女穆念慈有情相恋,却执迷不悟,三番四次加害郭靖、黄蓉等江湖义士,助金人夺取《武穆遗书》,最终难逃惨死嘉兴铁枪庙中的命运。郭靖随黄蓉行万里路,遍识天下武林高人,武功日见提升,终于得报杀父深仇,消师门积怨,夺《武穆遗书》,率大军西征,承亡母之教,上华山论剑,救襄阳国难。一代天骄终陨落,昔日纯朴憨厚、木讷愚钝的挽弓少年也长成顶天立地的男儿,毅然扛起破碎山河……

Based on the novel “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” by Jin Yong, in the late Song Dynasty, the Yang and Guo families made a pledge that their future children will become sworn siblings or marry if of different genders. However, before they could fulfill their pact, both families were tragically killed by the invading Jin army. Orphaned by the war, Guo Jing (Ci Sha) and Yang Kang (Wang Hong Yi) were raised by different martial arts masters with the goal of avenging their families' deaths. While Guo Jing follows the path of honor, Yang Kang betrays his family by siding with the Jin army. Accompanied by the adventurous Huang Rong (Bao Shang En), Guo Jing eventually encounters Yang Kang, but their once-promised brotherhood has turned into hate… 

Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 5
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.
