As part of a mysterious contract agreed upon by a goddess and his parents years ago, Makoto Misumi finds himself sent to another world to meet the goddess and become the hero. However, the deity deems Makoto to be "hideous," refusing to even lay eyes upon him and revokes his heroic title. Disdainfully giving him the ability to understand all languages except the human language as compensation, the goddess drives Makoto off to the farthest edges of the wasteland, far from human civilization. Due to the disparity between Earth and this new world, Makoto's inherent physical and magical capabilities awaken, making him extremely powerful. He meets various demihumans and mythical beings who all end up being captivated with his characteristics and join Makoto in building a new community where all of them can peacefully coexist.
曾经是平凡高中生的深澄真,因为某种缘由被召唤到异世界成为了“勇者”。然而世界的女神却因 为“长得太丑了”而立刻剥夺了他的“勇者”称号,发配到了世界尽头的荒野上。在荒野上彷徨的 真遇到了龙与蜘蛛、半兽人和矮人族等等非人种族。与原本的世界环境过于不同、不管是在魔法还 是战斗中都发挥出超出常识的力量的真,能否通过各种各样的邂逅,在这个世界生活下去………………
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide
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