
Under the Light Live Action The Movie 坚如磐石真人剧场版 China Movie DVD Subtitle English Chinese



Under the Light Live Action The Movie 坚如磐石真人剧场版 China Movie DVD Subtitle English Chinese

Rincian Produk

于和偉 Hewei Yu 周冬雨 Zhou Dongyu 陈冲 Joan Chen 陈道明 Chen Daoming 雷佳音 Lei Jiayin 张国立 Zhang Guoli

The story revolves around Su Jian Ming and Li Hui Lin jointly investigating undercurrent criminal case an involving a huge interest group. In order to investigate the case, Su Jian Ming ignores the persuasion of his powerful father Zheng Gang, and rushes to the "Hongmen Banquet", hosted by rich businessman Li Zhi Tian. More and more clues gradually surface. The undercurrent surging behind these clues makes people faintly feel that a big game of chess is being planned.

为了调查公交爆炸案的案情,苏见明 (雷佳音饰)不顾位高权重的父亲郑 刚(张国立饰)的劝阻,赶赴富商黎 志田(于和伟饰)的“鸿门宴”,在 观看了一出黎志田愚弄他人、手入火 锅的猖狂戏码后,墙缝藏尸、扳手砸 人、近一百个亿的私相授受和神秘的 “老爷子的资源”等线索逐渐浮出水 面。在这些线索背后的暗流涌动,让 人隐隐感到一盘大棋正在筹谋。

Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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